Amazing Facts

Did you know that there are 108 billion people on the planet? And that a whopping 7% of them are alive right now.

That’s a lot of people in need of the hope and life that comes only through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. That’s why Amazing Facts is dedicated to evangelism around the world.

About Amazing Facts

Amazing facts is a Seventh-day Adventist ministry that shares the gospel of Jesus Christ and the three angels’ messages of Revelation 14 to the entire world through television, radio, literature, live Bible and prophecy events, the internet, and evangelism training.

Founded in 1965, Amazing Facts began as a radio program with the simple goal of attracting listeners from all walks of life. Each daily 15-minute program featured a unique fact followed by a biblical message that was easy to understand.

As the ministry expanded, it began publishing Christ-centered books and creating a free mail-based Bible school to help Christians study God’s Word for themselves. Soon, it launched a television ministry and sent trained young men to preach the gospel around the country.

The world is filled with awe-inspiring facts and fascinating trivia about the natural world, space, history, and much more. You’ll be amazed and enlightened by these unexpected tidbits! Share these interesting facts with your friends and family, or bookmark them for future reference.

Global Evangelism

Global evangelism means taking the gospel to people far from home, often in places that are not familiar to Christians. Some take this as a personal mission to obey a deep calling that leads them to leave everything behind and follow Christ to distant lands.

The Bible says in Matthew 28:19-20 that Jesus commissioned us to go and make disciples of all nations. We know this includes all ethnic people groups, as well as those with no known church or believers within their boundaries.

Many of these groups live in a region called the 10/40 Window, which is defined by missiologist Luis Bush as a rectangular area from 10 degrees north of the equator to 40 degrees. These countries are home to huge numbers of unevangelized people. However, only about 10% of the world’s missionaries are working in these places. Unless something changes, millions of these people will never hear the Gospel.

Internet Evangelism

The Internet provides a new medium for Christians to share their faith with others. This is often called digital evangelism, internet evangelism, or social media evangelism.

One of the most effective forms of online evangelism is text messaging or SMS. This is because people read SMS messages faster than email.

Another form of online evangelism is through email newsletters. This is a way for churches and ministries to curate important information that their audience cares about and send them to their list of subscribers.

Internet evangelism can be a difficult and challenging area for many church leaders. However, with the right training, it can be a tremendous opportunity for ministry growth and expansion. It can also be an excellent way for people to connect with the Christian community in their locality and around the world. This is why it’s important for churches and ministry leaders to make the internet a part of their strategy for outreach.

International Evangelism

The International Evangelism Centre is an evangelistic mission center in Sakila, Tanzania that sends pastors, teachers and evangelists into the seven nations of Africa. New students come from their countries every year to the centre for training in the Word of God, and after completing their six month schooling, they return home to share the life-changing gospel message with their communities.

Amazing Facts International Ministry was born in 1965 when Joe Crews, the first speaker, opened each radio broadcast with an amazing fact and then shared a related biblical message that everyone could understand. From this simple idea, the ministry grew into a multi-faceted soul winning ministry that now includes television, radio, Bible correspondence school, publishing and local evangelism.

Thousands of people are saved each year through the ministries of Amazing Facts International and its partners. They are reaching the unreached with the gospel of Jesus Christ in schools, prisons, jails and villages around the world.