Hand using laptop and press screen to search Browsing on the Internet online.

How long does SEO take to show good results?

SEO is one of the most important things you should consider when it comes to digital marketing strategy. SEO is the foundation on which your content can be indexed as well as crawled by search engines which helps your website and pages be found. 

How long does SEO take to show results?

You will start seeing the effects of SEO strategy within six months and may also see the effects sooner. You should keep in mind that several factors can affect your SEO results, and the time it takes before seeing all the significant results depends on many things, like the age and the authority of your website. 

Are SEO results immediate?

When any business invests in SEO, they know how excellent results can be, and they also want the results right away. This is why many companies start SEO as ‘How long does it take for the SEO to work’?

However, instead of a marketing strategy such as PPC, which works instantaneously, it can take the SEO campaigns a while to produce results. You should have at least wait six months until you start seeing the results. These results go beyond the rankings, and the best SEO campaigns are the ones that help your business rank for the keywords which attract leads as well as sales.

It takes the search engine some time to determine things like-

  • The relevance of the web page to a user’s search.
  • What search intent your web page caters to.
  • How trustworthy your information is.
  • How long does it take for your page to load?

Google is the search engine that wants to provide the searchers with the most relevant information, and because of this, the search engine displays results with the most helpful information. The more authoritative your site is, the higher it will rank.

How long does it take for the SEO to work?

SEO takes longer to work than all the other strategies as it is difficult to pinpoint exact time it takes for the company to see the organic traffic from SEO.

A typical SEO timeline- What happens in months 1-6?

To understand what happens with the time involved with an SEO strategy, you can take a look at the following-

After you have done your research and determined what SEO agency is best for you, mentioned below are some of the things that you should take into consideration-

1. Research

Search engine optimization will start by researching everything about your brand or the services you offer. This information is necessary as every company is unique and different. Your SEO will research your industry and see how competitive it is. You should understand how your competitors rank.

2. Website audit

Upon taking you as a client, your SEO Company will also look at the structure of your website and the content you have. It helps them to see what you already have in terms of the content. It opens up new avenues for you and creates a game plan for a high-level SEO strategy.

Many people avail of the services of SEO Brisbane, a digital marketing agency that provides different types of SEO services to its clients.

3. Keyword planning

Content allows you to rank in the search engines; without the content, your website is essentially dead weight.

For your content to rank in the search engines, you have to create pages that target the keywords your audience searches online. For that reason, keyword planning and research is a very crucial part of the SEO process.

4. Website modifications

The second month is when the more technical SEO work begins. It means that your SEO will enter the back end of your website and start making all the necessary changes for ensuring that you rank higher in the search results.

The changes that they make are based on your website audit. For instance, if you already have fantastic alt tags for all your images, there is no need for your SEO to pull out an alt tag report and fix them. If your website becomes old, you might need a total website modification. This is likely to take months.

5. Ensure responsive design

Responsive design is the one which no matter what device a user views on your site, they have a great experience. If you have a website that is not responsive, the users will view it on a tablet. 

6. Keyword selection

Before your SEO can create content and implement it, they will have a look at the list of all the keywords that they pulled at during the very first month and also narrow it down to all the keywords they want for targeting.

The generic keywords have a high search volume and many other companies in the industry target them.

Long-tail keywords are more targeted and contain three or more words. These keywords should be specific to your niche. The long-tail keywords are known to have a lower search volume and they attract more qualified leads to your website which are the people who are likely to purchase your products. There is a lot that goes into selecting the keywords before writing the content and this is why content creation and SEO takes a longer time than intended.

7. Content creation

Content creation factors in and matters the most when it comes to SEO. It is the process of determining exactly what keywords to target with your content. However, after SEOs have the keywords down, it’s time to go for content creation.

During the third month, your SEO agency will pair each keyword with a specific kind of content which would work best with any topic.

One should keep in mind that blog content is more of a commitment as it should be updated on a regular basis. However, blogs are beneficial to SEO. They are beneficial as they are easy to share on social media. The sooner blog content appears on the website, the more it will work in your favour. As soon as the content is posted, the search engine can also start indexing it and also ranking it in the search engines.