Nursing Homes

How To Ensure Protection Of Rights Of The Residents Of Nursing Homes

Assisted living facilities such as nursing homes for the elderly are responsible for providing a safe and secure environment for the people living under their roofs. Many nursing homes are doing their best to provide the best services to the elderly by maintaining the quality and quantity of staff. However, some businesses have opened for the sake of earning money and they care nonetheless about the elderly living in their shelter.

If you or your parents or any other elder you know have been abused by such a nursing home, you have a responsibility to fight for their rights. A Whistleblower lawyer can help you fight for the elderly rights against poorly managed nursing homes. Here are the legal rights that residents of nursing homes have and how you can help them attain those rights.

Rights Of The Residents Of Nursing Homes

People living in nursing homes are provided with some legal rights from the state and federal laws. Some of these rights are,

1.      Rights To Basic Needs

Every resident of a nursing home has a right to get basic needs that include food, clothing, and shelter. This also includes the right to participate in social, cultural, and religious events. Nursing home management can not stop them from these rights.

2.      Rights To Keep Personal Property

Residents of nursing homes have a right to possess personal property. This includes clothes, personal use items, etc. If anyone steals these items, residents can file a report.

3.      Rights To Care Information

Every resident of a nursing home has a right to know what kind of care and treatment they will be given in the facility. If they have a medical condition, they should know which doctor will check them routinely and what kind of medicines they are being given.

4.      Rights To Visitation

Every resident of nursing homes can visit their relatives and they can also get visits from outsiders. Nursing home administration can not keep residents away from the outside world.

5.      Rights To Secure Environment

Every person living in the nursing home facility has a right to a safe and secure environment. The nursing home facility is responsible for providing its residents with a secure environment that follows health and safety precautions.

What If The Rights Are Abused?

If the rights of your relatives or parents living in nursing homes have been abused, it is your responsibility to provide them justice. You can contact relevant lawyers to help you win the case against the nursing home.

For example, if your parent were not provided with a safe and healthy environment and they have faced health issues due to staff’s negligence, you can build a case against the facility. Asbestos poisoning is a serious health issue that occurs in old buildings. A mesothelioma claim lawyer can help you put the nursing home to justice. If your elderly suffered from mesothelioma due to asbestos presence in the facility, you can consult the lawyer and help them get their rights.